Budget passes, Rep. Drew MacEwen votes ‘yes’
Today, the long-awaited operating budget was voted out of the House 81 to 11. Rep. Drew MacEwen voted to support the budget alongside the majority of House Republicans. A ‘yes’ vote is a rarity for state Republicans who have had no influence in shaping the budget during recent years. “After...
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Rep. Drew MacEwen’s Legislative Update: June 20, 2013
As you are probably aware, last week the legislature went into it’s second over-time. After 105 days, and then 30 more, we still had not found consensus on a budget. And, with nearly $2 billion in new tax revenue expected, there is no call for budget negotiations to have carried...
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Rep. Drew MacEwen’s Legislative Update: May 16, 2013
We are coming to the end of the first week of the 2013 special session. There has been little progress and the pace is a frustrating crawl. The regular, 105-day legislative session ended April 28 and due to the Legislature’s inability to agree on the state operating budget the governor...
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Rep. Drew MacEwen’s Legislative Update: May 2, 2013
As you have most likely heard we will be having a special session this year. Sine Die, the official end of session, was April 28 and the special session will start on May 13. Until then, I am happy to be back in the 35th District with friends and family....
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Rep. MacEwen sponsors bill to help prevent future special sessions
Rep. Drew MacEwen, R-Union, has introduced House Bill 2062 which would direct the Economic and Revenue Forecast Council to submit its first projections on tax collections earlier. Currently, during long sessions like this year, March 20 is the deadline for the first projections. MacEwen’s bill would move the date to...
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MacEwen bill to save state Christmas tree crop becomes law
House Bill 1209, sponsored by Rep. Drew MacEwen, R-Union, was signed into law April 25. The law extends a program that licenses state tree growers and protects their harvest. Without this program, if the state Christmas tree crop were to become infested, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) could...
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MacEwen vocally opposes tax bill that could close businesses in Mason County and surrounding communities
Yesterday, April 24, Democrats in the House of Representatives ignored repeated opposition to House Bill 2038, which would increase taxes on small service business by $905 million. The bill narrowly passed with a 50 to 47 vote as five Democrats sided with Republicans. According to the title, the intent of...
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Can you afford the Belfair Bypass? Bypass can be viewed as a model of the larger budget issues
Since taking office in January, I have been studying the Belfair Bypass project as well as all state government. What is happening with the construction of our bypass is the small-scale version of what is happening in every budget the state has proposed so far.
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MacEwen bill passes the Senate, goes to the governor to become law
A bill to help the state Christmas tree crop, sponsored by Rep. Drew MacEwen, was voted off the Senate floor yesterday 47-1. House Bill 1209 would extend a program that licenses state tree growers and protects their harvest. Without this program, if the state Christmas tree crop were to become...
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