November 27, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving and reflections on one year in the Legislature: Nov. 27, 2013

In this week where we put our focus on giving thanks, I know we all offer thoughts and prayers for our troops and their families. We wish them safe travels as they go about the business of keeping us safe – for which we are grateful. Additionally, the holiday season...
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November 14, 2013

Change the culture of doing business in Washington state

If Washington state aims to remain competitive in the 21st Century, retain and grow the companies located here, and encourage others to move to the state, we must change the state’s culture that impedes business growth and retention.
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October 31, 2013

Rep. Drew MacEwen’s Interim Legislative Update: Oct. 31, 2013

This first year serving as your state citizen legislator has passed by incredibly fast. As I travel the 35th District meeting with groups and constituents, I am reminded what a privilege it is to have earned your trust.
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September 27, 2013

MacEwen appointed to 777X Legislative Task Force

Rep. Drew MacEwen, R-Union, this week was appointed to serve on the 777X Legislative Task Force aimed at addressing Boeing’s need to expand their operations in Washington state to keep up with growing demand for the high-tech, fuel-efficient Boeing 777X airliner.
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August 20, 2013

Rep. Drew MacEwen’s Interim Legislative Update: August 20, 2013

As we prepare to send our kids back to school, I wanted to send you a quick update about what I have been doing during the interim. I’ve been lucky to spend some time with my sons visiting historical places around our great nation, as well as spending time in...
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August 13, 2013

MacEwen chosen for prestigious training institute

Rep. Drew MacEwen was chosen to participate in the Council of State Governments - West (CSG-West), which is a prestigious training institute for lawmakers in their first four years of service. The council is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization serving 13 Western states and the many legislators from both political parties.
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August 09, 2013

MacEwen chosen for Veterans’ and Military Affairs Committee

Rep. Drew MacEwen, R-Union, was appointed to the Joint Committee on Veterans’ and Military Affairs earlier this week. MacEwen received word of his new appointment from House Speaker Frank Chopp. MacEwen was chosen, in part, because of his six years of service in the U.S. Navy Submarine Force and graduation...
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August 05, 2013

MacEwen district office grand opening event

Rep. Drew MacEwen, R-Union, recently opened a district office in downtown Shelton. The office has officially joined the Shelton-Mason County Chamber of Commerce and there will be a ribbon cutting to commemorate the grand opening on August 8.
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July 01, 2013

MacEwen’s efforts result in long-awaited investments in the 35th District

Saturday, June 29, marked the end of the 2013 legislative session. While it wasn’t historically longest session on record, the six month slog was very close. The weeks were even longer for some legislators like Rep. Drew MacEwen. MacEwen, the assistant ranking Republican on the House Capital Budget Committee, spent...
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