Rep. Drew MacEwen on why House Democrats stopped debate on SB 5909 (emergency powers)
During today’s media availability, Rep. Drew MacEwen was asked why House Democrats stopped debate on Senate Bill 5909 (emergency powers) after 20 minutes on Friday. “Apparently they didn’t really want to have a debate about it,” MacEwen says.
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Highlights from the 2022 supplemental operating budget debate; I’ve introduced a bill that would require Washington to divest from Russia
This year’s 60-day legislative session will be coming to a close one week from today. While we’ve done some good things this session, it also feels like we’ve missed some big opportunities. For example, despite our state’s $14+ billion budget surplus, the supplemental operating budget we passed on Saturday doesn’t...
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Rep. MacEwen updates KMAS on differences with majority party over state budgets
Rep. Drew MacEwen, R-Union, talks with Jeff Slakey about budgets being adopted by the Legislature and expresses disappointment the majority declined to provide meaningful tax to Washingtonians despite a $15 billion budget surplus. Wash. House Republicans · 03-02-22 – RADIO: Rep. MacEwen updates KMAS on differences with majority party over...
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Stokesbary, MacEwen introduce bill that would require all state agencies to divest public funds from Russia
House Republican Reps. Drew Stokesbary and Drew MacEwen have introduced a bill that would require all state agencies in Washington to cancel their outstanding contracts with Russian companies, and require the State Investment Board to divest from its pension and other investments in Russian companies. “At a time when much...
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Three weeks to go
It’s hard to believe just three weeks remain in this year’s 60-day legislative session. House of origin cutoff was on Tuesday, meaning that all bills that did not advance out of the chamber in which they were introduced are now considered “dead” for the year. The exception are bills deemed...
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My thoughts as we near the midway point of session
Our state is facing a growing number of challenges, including: A homelessness crisis that has only gotten worse. A police officer recruitment and retention crisis. A bottom 10 ranking in housing affordability. Drug overdose deaths at an all-time high. Violent crime at a 25-year high. A child care affordability and accessibility crisis. Heartbreaking...
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Rep. MacEwen joins Jeff Slakey on KMAS to discuss the Democrats’ long-term care program and payroll tax
Rep. Drew MacEwen, R-Union, joins Jeff Slakey on KMAS to discuss the future of the Democrats’ long-term care program and payroll tax, as well as his legislation that would impose term limits on state elected officials. Wash. House Republicans · 01-21-22 – RADIO: Rep. MacEwen joins Jeff Slakey on KMAS...
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The 2022 legislative session is underway; House Republicans are focused on the issues you care about
The 2022 legislative session is now underway. While I had hoped the Capitol would be open to the public this session, we are once again operating in a remote environment. This is far from ideal, but I will make every effort to be as accessible to you as possible. Please...
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Rep. Drew MacEwen joins Jeff Slakey on KMAS to discuss the opening week of session
Rep. Drew MacEwen, R-Union, joins Jeff Slakey on KMAS to discuss Governor Inslee’s State of the State address. He also provides an overview on legislation he’s sponsoring this session that would dedicate the state sales tax on motor vehicles to the transportation preservation and maintenance account. Wash. House Republicans ·...
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