Rep. Drew MacEwen’s Interim Legislative Update: Oct. 31, 2013

This first year serving as your state citizen legislator has passed by incredibly fast. As I travel the 35th District meeting with groups and constituents, I am reminded what a privilege it is to have earned your trust.

It has been busy – working in my small business, meeting with constituents, finding time for family and enjoying this beautiful part of the state. But, fall is here now and that means annual legislative committee days and a fast-approaching 2014 legislative session. The dates and details are below.

I hope you find this brief update informative and I do hope you find some time to share your thoughts with me, ask me questions or simply meet with me to discuss how together we can make it morning again in Washington and the nation.

Jobs and the economy

To be better at something, we must always ask ourselves: What can I do better? I believe the Legislature and governor must ask that question as it relates to retaining and attracting good jobs for our state.

I was recently appointed to the governor’s 777X Legislative Task Force. This group is looking at some of the challenges we face in growing and protecting good-paying jobs and what other states are doing to get their residents back to work. Nothing is more important than shoring up our economy for those looking for work and for our children’s future.

Watch my brief video on this task force and some of the solutions to consider as we work to improve the state’s business climate and lower the unemployment rate. It is located at this link:

Do you have a solution to improving the state’s business competitiveness? E-mail me your stories and ideas at

Legislative committee days Nov. 21 and 22, possible special session for transportation tax package

Each fall, the Legislature gathers for committee days to hold hearing and consider ideas that may come forward in the regular legislative session. This year, the governor has said he may call a special session of the Legislature to pass a transportation tax package.

While I believe we should be open to dialogue on this issue, we are still waiting for a study being worked on that will tell lawmakers why our transportation projects consistently come in more expensive than similar projects in other states. Without answers that allow us to craft solutions to ensure our gas tax dollars are spent efficiently and effectively, we should not raise taxes.

What do you think about increasing gas taxes and other fees to fund new and existing transportation projects? Take my brief survey and share your views at this link:

Preparing for 2014 legislative session – share your ideas!

The 2014 legislative session begins January 13 and will last 60 consecutive days, including weekends and holidays, and will adjourn March 13. This short window of time to enact good policies that benefit taxpayers and our economy makes it even more critical for you to send me your ideas today.

The best way I can serve you is by listening. We all know the best ideas are nonpartisan and don’t come from government; they come from you! Share your solutions with me so we can begin working on meaningful legislation that makes Washington a better state to live, work and raise a family.

My e-mail address is and my district office number in Shelton is (360) 868-2189. My legislative aide, Kevin Shutty, staffs the office during regular business hours.

Student Page Program

Do you have a child age 14 to 16 that would like to spend a week paging for the state House of Representatives in the Student Page Program? Be sure to get your forms in early – with the short session, spots fill up fast!

You can find the details and information on what it means to be a page and how your child can apply to participate at this website: