MacEwen district office grand opening event

Rep. Drew MacEwen, R-Union, recently opened a district office in downtown Shelton. The office has officially joined the Shelton-Mason County Chamber of Commerce and there will be a ribbon cutting to commemorate the grand opening on August 8.clip_image002

The office is located at: 327 W. Railroad Avenue, Shelton, Wash. 98584. The public is invited, and encouraged, to attend. Refreshments will be provided, there will be a brief legislative address and participants will have an opportunity to speak with MacEwen.

“I am looking forward to working alongside Mason County residents to make our communities stronger. Not all legislators take the time and effort to invest in a district office,” MacEwen said. “However, I believe that the best ideas do not come from politicians and lobbyists in Olympia – they come from our citizens. I hope my local office will give residents more chances to be a part of the law-making process.”