Rep. Drew MacEwen chosen for leadership role on Capital Budget Committee

House leadership announced today that Rep Drew MacEwen, R-Union, has been appointed to Assistant Ranking Republican on the House Capital Budget Committee.

The committee addresses and approves funding for the construction and repair of public buildings, land acquisitions, local government, infrastructure, housing and the authorization of state debt.

“I am excited to apply my years of expertise to our state fiscal planning and budget. My background in finance makes me a great fit for this new role. It is time to focus on getting Washington working again and that can’t be done by further taxing hard-working families,” MacEwen said. “I believe, as a state, we can live within our means, fund education and do so without severe cuts. Once we prioritize government spending we will finally create a sustainable budget.”

On March 20 the Washington State Economic and Revenue Forecast Council stated that Washington should expect $2 billion in new revenue in the 2013-2015 biennium. Although the forecast demonstrates growth it is slower than the Legislature was hoping. An improved trend in housing construction and sales is expected to help the growth continue.

More information about MacEwen visit at The 105-day session is scheduled to end on April 28.