Operating Budget

March 09, 2016

Rep. Drew MacEwen talks with KMAS about budget, charter schools

Rep. Drew MacEwen, R-Union talks with KMAS about pressing issues in the legislature that have yet to be resolved.
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July 01, 2015

Capital budget funds critical local projects for Shelton, Belfair and Bremerton

Important projects for the 35th Legislative District got the nod Tuesday night as Washington lawmakers passed a $3.9 billion capital construction budget.
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June 30, 2015

Rep. Drew MacEwen votes ‘yes’ on bipartisan operating budget

Rep. Drew MacEwen, R-Union, voted in favor of the 2015-17 operating budget and released the following statement.
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June 11, 2015

Rep. Drew MacEwen concerned by second special session, lack of budget agreement

Rep. Drew MacEwen, R-Union, is concerned by the pace of the second special session and a lack of agreement on an operating budget for the 2015-17 biennium.
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January 13, 2014

Job creation, stable taxation is goal of MacEwen legislation

The debate on job creation and retention was finally taken to the next level in November 2013 when the Legislature convened to pass measures that create tax and regulatory certainty for the aerospace industry. Building on the concepts brought forward to encourage job creation, Rep. Drew MacEwen introduced House Bill...
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July 01, 2013

MacEwen’s efforts result in long-awaited investments in the 35th District

Saturday, June 29, marked the end of the 2013 legislative session. While it wasn’t historically longest session on record, the six month slog was very close. The weeks were even longer for some legislators like Rep. Drew MacEwen. MacEwen, the assistant ranking Republican on the House Capital Budget Committee, spent...
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May 02, 2013

Rep. MacEwen sponsors bill to help prevent future special sessions

Rep. Drew MacEwen, R-Union, has introduced House Bill 2062 which would direct the Economic and Revenue Forecast Council to submit its first projections on tax collections earlier. Currently, during long sessions like this year, March 20 is the deadline for the first projections. MacEwen’s bill would move the date to...
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April 25, 2013

MacEwen vocally opposes tax bill that could close businesses in Mason County and surrounding communities

Yesterday, April 24, Democrats in the House of Representatives ignored repeated opposition to House Bill 2038, which would increase taxes on small service business by $905 million. The bill narrowly passed with a 50 to 47 vote as five Democrats sided with Republicans. According to the title, the intent of...
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April 25, 2013

Can you afford the Belfair Bypass? Bypass can be viewed as a model of the larger budget issues

Since taking office in January, I have been studying the Belfair Bypass project as well as all state government. What is happening with the construction of our bypass is the small-scale version of what is happening in every budget the state has proposed so far.
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